Da Roma all’Europa. La fortuna del Paesaggio attraverso stampe e disegni (1680-1750), Dario Beccarini
The examination of the artists and their work covered in this book, is meant as a medium to appreciate the diffusion and the evolution of landscapes in graphics from 1680 to 1750.
Therefore, this book wants to represent a ductile and agile instrument to be enriched over time.
The drawings and prints hereby observed, represent an infinitesimal portion of the great, silent and peaceful ‘army of paper’ that invaded Rome, Italy and Europe between the 17th and the 18th century. An army made of thousands of pieces exchanged between collectors, connoisseurs, merchants, editors, artists and travellers, giving shape to a new facies of the Eternal City, its monuments and its surrounding areas, always offering diverse variants of the landscapes and of the vicissitudes of its places – real and ideal.
Amongst the collectors, connoisseurs, editors and printers hereby presented, it is worth to mention: Nicola Pio, Vincenzo Vittoria, Odoardo de Silva, Filippo Antonio Gualtieri, Silvio Valenti Gonzaga, de’ Rossi’s Family and Andreoli’s, to name a few.
Amongst the reviewed artists, Gaspar van Wittel and Alessio de Marchis occupy an important position.
With the hope that this work will encourage and inspire further studies on this multifaceted, complex topic – for the purpose of protecting, maintaining and reviving the many precious drawings and prints stored in dark albums and boîtes.

Title: Da Roma all’Europa. La fortuna del Paesaggio attraverso stampe e disegni (1680-1750)
Author: Dario Beccarini
Series: Alti Studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco
Publisher: Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo
Year: 2021
Pages: 255 pp.
Isbn: 9788899808303