Funding Opportunities

Grants for research in the humanities, publications and call for essays

//Funding Opportunities
Funding Opportunities 2018-06-13T17:29:25+00:00

Supporting research in the humanities

The Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo invites applications on an annual basis, especially from early-career scholars, for research grants, publication grants and calls for essays in the humanistic disciplines. Increasing knowledge of the cultural heritage and encouraging research in the humanities is of primary importance for the Foundation, which works to manage and promote the cultural value of the historical archive of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the development of research in the humanities. Article 2 of the Foundation’s Statute, in force since 2014, states that it “aims to support the conservation, enrichment and promotion of the artistic and cultural heritage, including libraries and archives, and to encourage research and specialist training in the field of the humanities”. The funding opportunities offered by the Foundation for research and specialist training in the humanities are part of this overall programme.

The funding opportunities offered by foundations such as the Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura in Turin are aimed at providing young researchers with the opportunity to acquire suitable qualifications for a career in academic and cultural institutions in Italy and abroad. Among the funding opportunities offered by private foundations, those promoted by the Fondazione 1563 have some special features. First of all, they are open to young scholars, under the age of 35, in possession of a university degree or a PhD, or equivalent qualifications. Applications for grants are welcomed from scholars of all nationalities, with first degrees or doctorates from universities in Italy and abroad. Finally, as part of its broad support for research in the humanities, the Foundation welcomes applications for research grants, publication grants and calls for essays which involve multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches.

How do I apply for a research grant from the Foundation?

borse studi umanisticiThe Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo invites applications on an annual basis for research grants and fellowships, publishing grants and calls for essays in the humanities: announcements are posted on this website and through other channels. Research grants are intended for individual researchers; the value of each grant is specified in the announcement. Grants towards publications and essays are awarded on the condition that this work is published in one of the series published by the Fondazione 1563; the grants cover either expenses and/or a fee for the researcher. Research projects and proposals must be original and innovative in approach and the essays and other contributions which are the outcome must be unpublished elsewhere. The activities of the Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo and the associated research grants relate in particular to the two main areas of interest of the Foundation’s planning guidelines:

Applications for research grants are welcomed from scholars working in a broad range of fields in the humanities: social and political history, including demography, the history of literature, music, theatre, art and architecture, religion and philosophy, as well as the history of science and technology and military history. Economic history and economic theory are also included, in line with the Foundation’s aim of supporting and promoting the archival patrimony of the Compagnia di San Paolo and its centuries-long history, from the Compagnia in the 16th century to the creation of the Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino.

Applications to take part in the selection for the award of research grants must be made online, filling in the form found on the dedicated area of the Foundation’s website and submitting it along with the other forms and attachments requested as part of the application. If further help is needed in applying, please contact the Foundation’s staff for further information.

Applying for research grants on the Foundation’s website

Information on the research grants and fellowships in the field of the humanities offered by the Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo can be found by clicking on the section Current Announcements on the website, where details of current announcements for research grant s will be found:

  • currently open for applications
  • closed for applications but pending the announcement of awards

The information on research grants currently being offered gives details on

  • the specific topic involved
  • the related disciplinary field
  • eligibility and deadlines for application
  • the procedures for the granting of awards and the deadlines for the completion of the research
  • current status of the research grant procedure – open for applications, closed and awaiting announcement of awards, closed with research currently in progress

In this section of the website, the Foundation provides, in pdf format, the text in Italian and, where available, in English, of the research grants.

Another section of the website is dedicated to a list in chronological order of Past Awards made by the Foundation of research grants in the humanities, calls for essays and publication grants. Each award is accompanied by a description of the research topic, the process of valuation, the deadlines involved, the complete text of the announcement in Italian and, where available, in English. Via links to the pages on the Foundation’s principal areas of interest – Study Programme on the Age and the Culture of Baroque and the Historical Archives of the Compagnia di San Paolo – information can also be found on the recipients of past awards, the progress of their research, and eventual publications related to it.