Il giusto, l’utile e le opere. Le fonti storiche e legali per lo studio dell’assistenza nell’Archivio storico della Compagnia di San Paolo
The Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo promotes a research project on its own archival fonds, in regard to the international conference hosted by the University of Côte d’Azur:
VI colloque des Sabaudian Studies
XIII colloque du P.R.I.D.A.E.S.
(Programme de Recherche sur les Institutions et le Droit des Anciens États de Savoie)
Assistance, protection et contrôle social dans les États de Savoie et les États voisins.
Aspects d’histoire sociale à partir des sources juridiques et judiciaires (Moyen Âge – Âge baroque – temps modernes – Histoire contemporaine)
Nice – Faculté de droit et science politique
28-29 novembre 2019
The research on the source of law of the Compagnia di San Paolo’s assistance will mainly focus on the following fonds:
- Ancient Compagnia di San Paolo e aggregati (resolutions, meeting minutes, regulations, bequests, litigations, wills, donations, etc. referring to the Compagnia di San Paolo and other institutions administered by the Compagnia, such as the Monte di pietà, Ufficio Pio, institutes for girls etc. etc., 16th – 19th century). The fonds is accessible online and can be consulted at the Foundation reading room.
- Repertorio Insinuazione – indexing of notarial deeds recorded at Ufficio dell’Insinuazione di Torino (Archivio di Stato di Torino), papers referring to the Compagnia di San Paolo and other institutions administered by the Compagnia (Monte di Pietà, Casa del Soccorso, Ufficio Pio, Casa del Deposito, Ritiro delle Forzate), 1610-1798. The Repertorio can be consulted at the Foundation reading room.
Application deadline 15th April 2019 – Closed
Winner projects
The essays shall be handed in by the 15th of October 2019.