The daughters of the Compagnia. Shelter Homes for young ladies and fallen women, the Duchess Isabella’s Boarding School from modern to contemporary times
by Anna Cantaluppi, Walter E. Crivellin e Bruno Signorelli (Editors)
The work tells the story of the Compagnia di San Paolo’s long standing female institutes dispensing aid and education. But who were the thousands of girls and women taken in over almost four centuries and how was their daily life organized?
What does the welcome given in the 16th century Shelter Home have in common with the teachings of the 20th century Duchess Isabella’s Boarding School?
Thanks to thorough and wide-ranging research in the sources of the archives the authors reconstruct a complex and composite picture, strongly intertwined with the society of Torino and with the historical tales of the times. The study brings new light to the stories of charity and donations, urban and architectural history, the evolution of education and female teachings, not only as recipients but also as benefactors, as well as in the professional capacity of directors, bursars and teachers.
Le figlie della Compagnia. Casa del soccorso, Opera del deposito, Educatorio duchessa Isabella fra età moderna e contemporanea,
by Anna Cantaluppi, Walter E. Crivellin and Bruno Signorelli (editors),
Torino, 2011
Vol. I: A. CANTALUPPI, Sources: A path through the archives of the Shelter Home at the Duchess Isabella’s Boarding School ; S. CAVALLO, Assistance and education in modern times; M. MARITANO, Shelter Homes for women in need, fallen women and female prisoners, from their foundation to the French Revolution; P. BIANCHINI, School for wives; F. GENTILE and M. STARA, the Duchess Isabella from the Restoration to the 2nd world war; B. SIGNORELLI, Under the same roof: houses from the XVI to XX century; L. CASELLI, The Fondazione for schooling as told by its first president.
Vol. II: A. CANTALUPPI, photographing the Boarding School; I. BIBOLLET, A. CANTALUPPI, E. SALASSA, Portraits, maps, photos: a story in pictures.