Homes and Things

Quaderni dell’Archivio Storico della Compagnia di San Paolo

2. Homes and Things 2018-06-12T17:23:18+00:00

Homes and Things: The Persecution of the Torinese Jewish in the Papers of the EGELI 1938 – 1945
by Fabio Levi (editor), F. Levi , D. Adorni, G. Genovese

The volume Le case e le cose. La persecuzione degli ebrei torinesi nelle carte dell’EGELI 1938 – 1945 (Homes and Things. The Persecution of the Turin Jews in the Papers of the EGELI 1938 – 1945) is the result of an accurate study of Fabio Levi on the papers of the San Paolo Historical Archives about the EGELI (Ente Gestione Liquidazioni Immobiliari) administration for Piedmont and Liguria Regions.

The EGELI was established after the promulgation of the Italian racial laws in 1938 to acquire, manage and resell the properties confiscated from the Jews. The analysis of the enforcement of the persecutory laws in Turin allows Fabio Levi to formulate new hypotheses about the Italian State and society in the years of the regime and in the immediate post-war period.

Daniela Adorni and Giuseppe Genovese created a data bank based on different archives’ sources. Their quantitative study provides a complete picture of the property allocation and the economic activities of the Turins Jews community.

Le case e le cose. La persecuzione degli ebrei torinesi nelle carte dell’EGELI 1938-1945,
by F. Levi (editor), F. Levi, D. Adorni, G. Genovese,
Torino, 1998.