Massimo Colella, Il Barocco sabaudo tra mecenatismo e retorica. Maria Giovanna Battista di Savoia Nemours e l’Accademia Reale Letteraria di Torino
The book aims at bringing to light an interesting cultural institution, the Royal Academy of Literature at Turin, founded by Maria Giovanna Battista of Savoy Nemours, regent of the House of Savoy from 1675 to 1684. The documentation, often rare or unpublished, preserved in the Royal Library and in the State Archive of Turin, allows to reconstruct the genesis and the diachronic development, the functioning and the organizational chart, the theoretical purposes and the concrete activities of the Academy, based on the Baroque relationship between rhetoric and celebration, ornament and usefulness, literature and politics.

Title: Il Barocco sabaudo tra mecenatismo e retorica. Maria Giovanna Battista di Savoia Nemours e l’Accademia Reale Letteraria di Torino
Author: Massimo Colella
Series: Alti Studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco
Publisher: Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo
Year: 2019
Pages: 192 pp.
Language: Italian
Isbn: 9788899808150