Literature as rhetoric. Vittorio Amedeo II and Pietro Gioffredo: the «recovery literary» according to dynastic politics. The original characters of the Baroque Savoy
by Guido Laurenti
This survey about Storia delle Alpi Marittime by Gioffredo, who highlights not only the most important thematic units of the work, but also the general architecture of the historical, chorographic and socio-cultural treatment, registers and style, the rhetorical strategies, and the historical background, within which reflection unwinds itself, will explore the most significant literary construction of the late seventeenth century in Piedmont.
In Storia it is possible to observe not only the complex political framework coeval with Gioffredo, which lies along the entire ridge of the historiographical construction, but at the same time, grasp the reflection on the meaning and way of understanding and writing history, and on the importance of defining a geographical «regional area» (from which one can understand the decision to put before the work a detailed Corografia) in order to understand the historical and socio-cultural development of a territory and to proceed thereafter to the definition of political affiliation.

Title: Letteratura come retorica. Vittorio Amedeo II e Pietro Gioffredo: il «ricupero letterario» in funzione dinastico-politica. I caratteri originali del Barocco sabaudo (Literature as rhetoric. Vittorio Amedeo II and Pietro Gioffredo: the «recovery literary» according to dynastic politics. The original characters of the Baroque Savoy)
Author: Guido Laurenti
Series: Alti Studi sull’Età e la Cultura del Barocco
Publisher: Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura della Compagnia di San Paolo
Year: 2016
Pages: 80 pp.
Language: Italian
Isbn: 9788899808013