Compagnia di Santa Elisabetta o dell’Umiltà (Turin, 16th-20th centuries)
The Fondazione 1563 per l’Arte e la Cultura promotes a historical research project on “Compagnia di Santa Elisabetta
ovvero dell’Umiltà” (Sisterhood of Saint Elisabeth or of Humility), a sisterhood that was founded in Turin in the second half of the 16th century to assist the sick and destitute.
For the purpose of publishing a volume on the history of this long-standing collaboration, that will become part of the Quaderni dell’Archivio Storico series, Fondazione 1563 invites scholars from different areas of knowledge to submit research proposals on this theme.
Application deadline 15 October 2014 – CLOSED
The publication has been curated by Anna Cantaluppi and Alice Raviola Quaderni dell’Archivio Storico della Compagnia di San Paolo series.